But I digress. I logged on this here crazy train because I want to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who decided to join this adventure with me, to check in, to read what I thought might only interest my mother, and to leave comments which mean the world to someone for whom, some days, the most exciting thing that happens is a trip to Walmart for toilet paper. I couldn't do it without you. Really.
Inexplicably, I now have 27 followers, a responsibility I take very seriously, if only I knew what it meant. And there are others of you who drop by faithfully, though invisibly. I understand, I recently signed up for alerts from a beauty store I infrequent, and regretted it the very next time I logged into my email.
Most of my readers are in the USA, understandably. But my international audience is growing as well, as I happily discovered this week when I finally learned how to check my blog statistics. The second largest group peers across the pond from the United Kingdom; and I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for my sadly out-of-shape wit, which I know is a national pastime there. And third, to my genuine consternation, with a whopping 115 page views, is Germany. Not sure how I got so popular there, but I'm pretty sure David Hasselhoff is involved. So here's a shout out to my ancestral homeland, or materland...or something...unfortunately language abilities do not come with genes.
South America and Africa, you may want to step it up a bit. India is making you look bad. What? You're too busy fighting hunger and civil unrest? Oh. Ok.
But I would like to conclude this excessively verbose expression of appreciation with an invitation. If it weren't for your comments and feedback, I'm sure I wouldn't still be here today. Really, I'm not that committed; I don't find myself that entertaining. And so, because I'm here because you are here, it seems only fair that this blog be at your service. And I need you to help me to make it that way. I want to hear more from you....what you like, what you'd rather never see again, what you want to know more about...How does a one-armed girl....? You fill in the blank.
I wake up with myself every day, and quite frankly, I'm bored. I have no idea why you people find me so interesting. Help me out. You say jump and I'll say, "How high? Are you out of your ever-loving mind?!" But if at all possible, I'll do it for you, because I love you, and because you validate my unorthodox vocational choices.
Leave me a comment, or, if you'd rather send feedback privately, you can email OneArmGirl@gmail.com. If you think this is a desperate cry for affirmation, well, I'll admit, it's a nice side effect.

PS. If you're freaking out because it isn't Thursday, un-bunch your tighty whiteys, this was just a public service announcement...
Blimey, happy five months! Your faithful UK fan here reckons you could do some hilarious film reviews. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteOk I finally figured out how to "follow" you even though Aaron and I have been following already on our own. We love your blog:)
ReplyDeleteHappy five months!
ReplyDeleteHah! Another comment! Another request! As a member of the Enchanted Land diaspora, can I also humbly request lots of content about the Enchanted Land in all it's absurd wonderfulness. Thanks, helps me on the rainy days...
ReplyDeleteCograts on a beautiful collection of keystrokes. This is the only blog I ever read. VERY nice, very nice indeed.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Yes, I was surprised by the early debut of this edition with your customary and significant wit, AND that I was here in the am on a Thursday. Yes, I stood up and turned 5 directions to see you in your regalia-sometimes getting an almost south-of-the-border effect! and "Mama", love the "Enchanted Land diaspora" allusion!
ReplyDeleteMaybe my reading this will help boost Central America's numbers. I don't remember...did I say I would follow your blog? Do I even know how to follow a blog? Well, at any rate, I do check in once in a while (emphasis on once). Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And kudos for your blogging faithfulness.
Tosh, can I call you Tosh? As a complete stranger, I wish to see more book critiques. the livre (as the french call it) is far neglected these days. A critial review on War and Peace perhaps? Or maybe something new and controversial to the placid pool of thought found in america these days. Or maybe you should just write what ever the heck you want, because you are thouroughly inspiring, entertaining, humourous, and endearing when you write whatever is in that big heart of yours. Also, perhaps, if not to bold, i would request a blog about me. because i'm that cool. Love you Tosh.